Lost & Confused - Residential Mortgage Lending Business - 2008

I have spent much of the last day or so, reading the latest dead-tree (paper) editions of National Mortgage News, Scotsman Guide and Origination News - in addition to the several online news sources I look at regularly.
The news is confusing and all over the place with this or that proposed new rules and regulations, and opinions all over the map about where we're going and what to do about it!
It's easy to see how difficult it can be to draw from the available information and set the proper course. Given the variety of venues we have available for industry training & education at Secret! University, I do hope we have something for everybody (I'm happy to add any new material anyone may want BTW) . I seriously hope our upcoming February 23rd Master Seminar will be well attended, because face to face I know I can help those that attend.
As I hear and read about other industry seminars, they seem to have an agenda, whereas the speaker sets-out their agenda and sorta speaks to that narrow topic, pretty much exclusively. Over the years I have learned I am a pretty good open field runner, and that I can 'bobb and weave' with the best of them. Our sessions are more like a old fashioned town hall meeting, when everybody is involved with a question and answer type conversation, and not someone simply giving a speech - it is that range which I know industry people need and not merely a narrow focus in one area ... and difficult to do, unless the speaker is well versed on all of the potential topics, I know I am.
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