Subprime History
Anyhow, it's been fun going down memory lane for Paul, recalling when Countrywide was brokering subprime seconds to my own wholesale company back in '85 (if I remember the date correctly), when a major subprime consumer finance organization (The Mother Company) bought a German Bank ('76 as I recall) who later entered the subprme market in the US as a warehouse lender (mid '90's) to Danny Phillips and the boys at FirstPlus in Texas, along with when that same finance organization purchased the largest thrift in Dallas (First Texas Savings - who I did a great deal of business wth then) - later a part of the notorous 'Southwest Plan' (Ron Perlman of Revlon) courtesy of M. Danny Wall and the Government's RTC kids.
I also explained to him the core belief that 'subprimers' were credit lenders and that the conventional residential real estate mortgage lenders are more property/collateral lenders. A distinction I told him probably only a handful of old dudes like me could articulate that distinctively. By illustration I told him, hand a loan file to me and the first document I would look at is the credit report, hand that same file to an "A" lender, he'll turn to the appraisal first - every single time!
I asked Paul for a signed copy of his book, and also if I'll get a footnote!