Siete de Mayo!
Here in So Cal this is a big celebration, as today's my Birthday! Leaving in 20 minutes to go to see our Los Angeles Dodger's end a three game winning sweep of the New York Mets. Our team's in second place here in the West, and is looking real good for a strong pennant run again this year; especially with our new Manager.
Looks like that HUD RESPA propsal is dead on arrival once again, even with all the
hard work that was done in their attempt to be fair and well balanced with the modifications they suggested. I myself would like to see far less new regulations being enacted, and instead a warp-speed increase in aggressive punishing enforcement of the many laws that are on the books already. We've had too many people who didn't know things they were doing was unlawful, and far too little publicity reporting enforcement, that would have not only detered some folks, but enlighted more as to the rules we/they should operate by - heaven help us their bosses didn't help much in that vain at all.
I see that 'education' side the most important, from all I've seen and heard ... and I'm trying
Looks like that HUD RESPA propsal is dead on arrival once again, even with all the
I see that 'education' side the most important, from all I've seen and heard ... and I'm trying
Just goes to show that men are like a good bottle of wine...
We get better with age!!
I personally can't wait to have a little gray on the sides and the status that accompanies it...
Best wishes on your birthday, Peter.
...And many many more to come!
Thank you "anonymous" - I appreciate those happy/positive thoughts ... I'll drink to that!
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