Both our
Certified Mortgage Professional designation program, and the
Mentor program pages on our main website, are neck and neck @ more than 16% each of the total page reads the first 5 days of this month. I continue to be encouraged at the level of interest they continue to have with our website visitors, where more than 80% so far this month have come from organic searches on Google, Yahoo, Live, etc.
I've been thinking about offering an annual 'Insider Membership' arrangement to our students, whereby they will receive
special pricing on many tuitions, services, materials, and products we offer at
Secret! University. In fact, I've almost decided to do that - still chewing on the details of how it could work, so it would be best for all concerned.
Been having a hell of a difficult time recently, with the situation surounding the tragic medical condition of my brother's little teenaged daughter Acacia. He's added
THIS page to his website about what's been going on with that recently. In point of fact, I'm probably going to add a page to our main website, where people can purchase tickets to the upcoming
Smooth's Big Even Fundraiser for Acacia November 7th.
As of 10 minutes ago, he's updated me about her condition (I took him to LAX yesterday to fly to Pittsburgh). After the 12 hour surgery where she finally got the double lung transplant she's needed for some time, at 3AM this morning he got the good news that the surgery went well. Seven hours later, he was told they had to put her under, and hook her up to a heart-lung machine, as the lungs weren't working too well initially. At this point, while hysterically crying on the phone to me (it made me cry too), he told me they don't know how long she'll be on the machine, and may need yet another set of lungs to replace these! Needless to say, friends and everybody in the family are extremely concerned right now.