Friday, April 04, 2008

Housekeeping - follow-ups

I promised you stats on Subprime, in the article about it's future, you would have noted that back in 1998 1,021,676 individual transactions were funded and in 2007 it was 933,480. What's somewhat interesting about that, is there were 300% more workers in the industry in '07 then back in '98 ... so people definately worked a lot harder before!

On the issue of our Seal of Approval, so far I've received only two suggestions, if there are more out there, please send them in to me!

The Linking our Website back to certain Search Engine Results issue, so far is TNTR (too new to rate). I ended up placing seven different keyword/phrases on four separate pages of our site - all linking back to the search engine results of Google & Yahoo (where we are ranked #1). On our main/index page I also had included (where we had the top four slots) on this major industry key words phrase 'mortgage industry education' - yet the results I have seen change three or four times since I did that (checked 30 seconds ago, and there we are back in the top positions again), so I have left off the link to for now. What the ultimate marketing value of this novel idea will turn out to be, is anybody's guess at this point.

As to our Master Seminar May 17th, at this point I am skeptical about the degree of turn-out, still maybe too many people staying close to home and saving every penny ... we'll see.


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