Monday, August 13, 2007

Over these last couple of months, I have had several people who have known me for a while, suggest that I should develop a "Lesson for the Times" - since I have experienced first-hand four (4) of these consumer residential real estate mortgage industry corrections. They know my experience here, would be beneficial to all who would pick it up.

I have decide this morning to begin such an undertaking; I expect it will take me a couple of weeks to be thorough and finish it up. I'm going to explain in detail what I would do TODAY to survive this 'Extreme Industry Make-over' if I were a young mortgage broker experiencing all that's happening out there. I know how scary it can be, my own memory is very clear on how I have felt and what actions I have taken to make it to 40+ years in the industry.

I intend to have a pre-sale (begining in about a week) on this Lesson before it's complete, so folks can get their orders in first! If you have any ideas you think I should include - give me a call!


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