Monday, August 06, 2007

Before he moved out of the area, Paul was my dearest and closest friend. Athough we don't talk daily and have lunch together 4 times a week like we used to, we have kept in touch pretty much since then; I continue to have a special place in my heart for him and his family - all of whom I know/knew quite well also.

When I was an assistant manager at The Mother Company, my boss and I interviewed him for a job, he got hired and became my assistant. I participated in his training a lot. Later after we were both Managers of offices, he chased me all the way up the company corporate ladder (he was a strong competitor), and in the end passed me.

After almost a decade and a half I left The Mother Company (eight years before he finally did), and went out on my own. I heard an awful rumor Friday that his company was closing, he confirmed that to me 5 minutes ago. I am profundly sad for him and his wife Nicky, and their two grown sons Chris and Mark. I hope I can help them somehow, I intend to try.


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