Today my twin grandsons Jack and Jason, who 22 months ago were born premature, and today both look like NFL defensive guards with the bald heads and everything, are going to Disneyland with their big sister (5 year old Kristin), also with my Daughter-in-law and their Grandma. I told grandma, to be sure she picks up Mickey Mouse ears for the boys from Grandpa, and some Tinkerbell stuff for our Grand-Daughter Kristin... and of course buy all the food they can eat!
This next Saturday is the Season Opener for the Soccer year and my oldest Grand-Daughter's first game of the Fall, can't wait to see her. My oldest Son tells me she's pretty good too!
In industry news today, I see Encore Credit is selling off it's money losing wholesale division to one of the Wall Street players -- surprises me, since it was started by several of the former heavy-weights from New Century, and they started off with a bang! Maybe it was the bad Wall Street advise they got to become a REIT, that was the nail in their coffin.
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